Snowy, cold day here in Massachusetts. I struggled with leaving the house to go to the Y to swim. But I kept telling myself it's game on, get your ass there woman. So off I go. Needless to say the pool was pretty packed.. Happy new year right? Everyone working on the resolution to work out. So I had to share a lane.
I definitely chose the wrong lane. First off, this guy made waves when he swam like a wake behind a boat. Ok tiny exaggeration. Oh but it gets better. So I do my 100 meter warm up, look at my work out and begin my drills. After my first set go drills the guy stops to chat, which isn't out of the norm. Then I thought I heard him wrong but I didn't he asks "want to race for 100 meters." Ahhhhh...what no! I just want to do my workout. Off I go.
After a while we both stop again. Out of breath from my swim, he asks me why I don't flip turn off the wall. He then proceeded to attempt to get me to have him show me how to do it. I told him I was all set and that every time I try it I miss to high and whack my ankle (true story) and I was fine. Let's just say for the next 900 meters I did not take a break so he wouldn't talk to me anymore! Jeepers, I just want to swim!!!
Way to get it done Kim!