Holy Moly! I forgot how hard it was to run after a hard bike workout the day before. On Saturday I completed a two hour bike class that included three 15 minute max threshold intervals (that is the hardest gear you can ride in keeping your pedal rotation at 80 rotations a minute) and 3x 5 tabadas (which is 30 seconds in a high gear all out and 15 second rest in between.) It was a tough workout. Then I did a short post run. So needless to say my legs were on fire yesterday.
This morning I woke up knowing I had a 35 minute run ahead of me. Ugh! My legs did not want to move let alone run. After a long conversation with the legs, yes I really did talk to my legs, I got outside on the road. First, I was so over dressed. Dying in the first 5 minutes and de-layering. haha! Second, my legs were lead. I was determined to run at what ever pace but there would be no walking at all. I so wanted to give in and walk but I had to keep telling myself what are you going to do at mile 13 of a marathon after a long swim and bike, cry, quit.. No keep on moving at what ever pace. If I couldn't do 35 minutes I was pathetic. So I pounded out the 35 minutes getting about 3.8 miles in. It was so hard but felt good once it was over.
This week was the second week of training. Overall I felt good, despite my legs wanting me to take a rest day today. hahaha!! I was not having that. I again asked myself why I am doing this. Its not because I want to brag about training and finishing a iron distance anyone who knows me knows I hate to talk about myself like that. It is for myself, to inspire others to get out there and start moving and it is as I have said before for my son. I love when he asks me "mom why did you get up so early this morning" I say to ride my bike, run or swim and he always says I am so proud of you. I love that. That makes it all worth it. So worth it. Until next entry. I promise to make this more funny and not so boring. Zzzzzz
Great post!... I always get the "why do you get up so early?"...When I tell them its to go run, I always get the "You're nuts!" response :)